
Chapter 3: The Monkey King causes havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

Coincidentally, Sun Wukong had just eaten enough peaches and felt a bit sleepy. He turned into a little man about two inches long and slept on a treetop in a cool place. The seven fairy maidens saw that there were not many ripe peaches in the garden. They searched everywhere for a long time. Finally they found a ripe peach on a treetop of a big tree. They pulled down the treetop.

They didn’t expect that Wukong was sleeping on this tree. He was awakened and turned back to his original form. He took out his golden cudgel and shouted: “Who dares to steal peaches?” The seven fairy maidens were so scared that they knelt down together and explained why they came here.

Wukong asked who was invited to the Peach Banquet. When he knew that he was not included, he was very angry.

He used a fixation spell to immobilize the seven fairy maidens, and then rode on a cloud to Yaochi. At this time, the immortals who came to the banquet had not arrived yet. Only the servants were setting up the banquet. Wukong plucked a hair and turned it into a sleeping bug. He put it on the servants’ faces. They immediately fell asleep. He jumped onto the table, picked up the fine wine, and drank happily.

He walked out of Yaochi after he was full and drunk. He wandered into Taishang Laojun’s Doushuai Palace in a daze. There was no one in the palace. He poured out all the golden pills from five gourds and ate them. After he finished eating, he realized that he had caused a big trouble and might not be able to save his life. So he went back to Yaochi, stole a few jars of good wine, and went back to Flower Fruit Mountain.
