
Chapter 3: The Monkey King causes havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

Erlang God saw Wukong from the demon-revealing mirror. He turned into an osprey and waited on the water surface. Wukong saw him and quickly turned into a water snake, crawling to the shore. Then he turned into a mandarin duck and stood on the reeds. Erlang God saw that he had changed too lowly and didn’t bother with him. He turned back to his original form, took out a slingshot, shot at the mandarin duck, and made Wukong unstable on his feet.

Wukong took the opportunity to roll down the hillside and turned into a temple of the earth god. Erlang God chased after him and saw a flagpole standing behind the temple. He knew it was Wukong’s transformation and picked up his weapon and smashed it at the door. Wukong saw that he was exposed and jumped up, turned back to his original form and ran away. Erlang God drove the clouds and chased after him. The two fought while running, and came to the front of Flower Fruit Mountain.

The heavenly soldiers and generals from all directions rushed up and surrounded Wukong. The Taishang Laojun, who was watching the battle at the South Gate of Heaven, took the opportunity to throw the diamond pestle at Wukong. Wukong was hit on the head and fell to the ground. Erlang God’s howling dog ran up and bit Wukong. The other gods pressed Wukong down, pierced his pipa bone with iron chains and tied him back.

Sun Wukong was tied to the demon-slaying platform, but no matter how they chopped, hacked, struck with thunder or burned with fire, they could not hurt a single hair of him. Taishang Laojun petitioned the Jade Emperor to put Wukong into the Eight Trigrams Furnace for refining, and the Jade Emperor approved.
