
Chapter 7: At Gao Laozhuang, Tang Monk recruits Zhu Bajie (Pigsy).

Sun Wukong followed the wind all the way to a high mountain, and saw that the wind had drilled into a cave. Sun Wukong had just landed on a cloud head, when the monster had already appeared from the cave, holding a nine-tooth rake in his hand, and cursed: “You monkey! You caused so much trouble for us when you made a great commotion in heaven. Today you come to bully me, let me show you how powerful I am. Take this!”

Sun Wukong raised his cudgel to block the rake, and asked: “How do you know me?” The monster told him his origin: He was the Heavenly Marshal Tianpeng in heaven. He got drunk at the Queen Mother’s peach banquet, and broke into the Moon Palace. He saw that Chang’e was very beautiful, and he went up to flirt with her.

The Jade Emperor knew about this and wanted to execute him according to the heavenly law. Thanks to Taibai Jinxing’s plea, he spared his life, but he had to be beaten with two thousand copper hammers, and then reincarnated in the mortal world. He was eager to reincarnate, but he made a mistake and entered a pig’s womb, ending up like this. At this time, he fought with Sun Wukong for a while, and felt that he couldn’t resist. He turned around and ran into the cave.

Sun Wukong stood at the entrance of the cave and cursed, but the monster didn’t come out. Sun Wukong saw this, and was so angry that he jumped around. He picked up his golden cudgel and smashed the cave door. The monster heard the sound of the door being smashed, and had to jump out and curse: “I came to Gao Lao Zhuang to find a bride, what does it have to do with you? You are too bullying. I won’t spare you with this rake!”
